19 years young
Killed 1-8-1994
Who is MADD?
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime, and prevent underage drinking. MADD members are women, men and youth from all walks of life and are victims and non-victims. In fact, an estimated 50% of MADD members are concerned citizens who have been victimized as a result of an impaired driving crash. The only requirement for membership in MADD is your concern to keep our roads free of impaired drivers.
MADD is not a prohibitionist organization and does not oppose the responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages by those individuals over the age of 21 who choose to drink. However, MADD believes in “zero tolerance” or no use of alcoholic beverages for those under the age of 21 and opposes the abuse and illegal or irresponsible use of alcohol by adults including driving under the influence of alcohol or any other drugs.
Our Mission
The mission of MADD is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime, and prevent underage drinking.
Our Goals
- We seek to provide victim services to victims who have been injured in impaired driving crashes and to families whose loved ones have been killed or injured as a result of these crashes.
- We will continue to create public awareness regarding the problems caused by impaired driving.
- We will work to help strengthen legislation, which will toughen drinking and driving laws. We will also continue to monitor the courts to encourage consistent and meaningful sentencing.
How MADD Has Helped
MADD supports the Fort Walton Beach Police Department’s efforts and those of the Okaloosa and Walton County Sheriff’s Offices by donating thousands of dollars for equipment, such as the new in-station video system, handheld Passive/Active Alcohol Sensors (which can double as a flashlight), and Portable Breath Testers. In addition to equipment donations, we offer food and drinks to the officers at the DUI checkpoints.
We donate financial support for a paid Victim’s Advocate. This means free services are available for victims and their families when they are in need after a DUI related traffic accident.
We speak at Victim Impact Panels, which are offered every month in Okaloosa County, at churches, schools, and anywhere we are asked to speak. By manning booths at events such as the Hot Fun in the Summertime and the Home Show, we hope to reach and educate the public.
The Facts
- Three out of five Americans will be affected by alcohol-related crashes during their lives. We must act now to stop this senseless crime.
- Of every dollar that you pay in auto insurance premiums, as much as 33 cents may be used to pay for costs related to drunk driving. It’s everyone’s problem, and together we can stop it from hurting more loved ones.